Katrina C. Albers
Animal Caregiver • Cat Behaviorist • Artist
Clicker Training Cats
Clicker training uses a precise sound (a click) to tell the cat that they have done something to earn a reward. Think of the clicker as the shutter of a camera: you click when you see the correct "picture" of the behavior you're training your cat to perform, and immediately give the cat a treat.
Remember, behaviors that result in a good consequence for the cat (positive reinforcement) will most likely be repeated. Your cat quickly learns that they can get you to give them a treat by performing a certain behavior. Clicker training is fun for your cat to train you, and fun for you to train your cat!
First Step: Association
Begin clicker training by first helping your cat to associate the sound of the click with a treat. Click, then give your cat a treat; repeat five times. Click when they’re in different positions, and when you're in different positions. For now, your cat doesn't have to do anything to get the treat - these are "freebies." A good indication that your cat understands this association is to click when they’re distracted (looking away from you). If they turn their head toward you when you click, they likely associate the click with a treat.
● Don't hold the clicker too close to your cat's face. Some cats find this intimidating, and other cats may fixate on the clicker. Try muffling the clicker by hiding it behind your back or in your pocket.
● If you have a sound-sensitive cat, the sound of the clicker may be too loud and scary. Try holding the clicker in your pocket, or wrap it with a small towel to make the sound quieter. If your cat is still frightened of the sound, you can use a pen that clicks or even a visual marker (such as a flashlight) instead of a clicker.
● Only click once. Always give a treat following the click.
● As soon as your cat associates the click with a treat, try to "capture" a behavior. If you catch them
doing something you like (maybe the way they tilt their head) click and treat whenever they do the behavior. You'll find they start to do it more often in order to get the treat.
Second Step: Shaping
Choose one spontaneous behavior, something your cat does that you like. Some examples are: sitting, looking at you, raising a paw or lying on their bed. Each time you see your cat doing this behavior, click and treat. You need to be observant, and have your clicker and treats handy. When you catch your cat doing something you like, let them know.
Warning: Once you start clicking and treating your cat for a behavior, be prepared to see the behavior often. Don't choose a behavior that could become annoying when performed frequently.
● Reward (click and treat) partial steps in the right direction, gradually getting closer to the final position. Repeat until your cat performs the behavior easily. This is known as "shaping" a behavior.
● Start training in a place with no distractions (no other household pets, children, or outdoor distractions).
● Gather together a variety of motivators. Food treats should be small, soft and smelly. Let your cat select their favorites. Other motivators like petting, toys, games or walks can work well at the end of a training session too. Always combine food and other motivators with verbal praise such as "good job!"
● If you make a mistake & click at the wrong time, don't worry about it. Still give your cat a treat anyway. The click must always mean a treat is coming. Next time, pay attention and be ready to click at the precise moment your cat performs the behavior (e.g., their bottom hits the floor for a sit).
● It's better to click too early than too late. If you click too early, you can shape the correct behavior by rewarding progressive steps. If you click too late, you may be reinforcing the wrong behavior.
● Cats learn at different rates. Don't get frustrated if your cat doesn't seem to learn as quickly as you'd expect. Make sure you're being consistent in the cues you give (verbal and nonverbal).
Third Step: Name It
Give the verbal cue (e.g., "sit") and / or a hand signal. Click, and give the treat from your other hand. If you get no response or an incorrect response, don't click and treat. If you still get no response or an incorrect response, go back to shaping the behavior a few more times, and then try again.
● If your cat doesn't immediately perform the behavior, the temptation is to repeat the cue. Don't fall for it -- you don't want your cat to get into the habit of responding only after the third or fourth time you repeat the cue.
● Check your posture. Work toward an upright posture rather than bending over your cat.
● Don't assume that your cat will instantly associate the name with the behavior. Lots of repetitions may
be needed before your cat will reliably perform the behavior on cue.
● Keep training sessions short, even 30 seconds at a time will do.
Fourth Step: Up the Ante
Gradually require more from your cat to earn the click and treat. For example, have them perform two or three behaviors before rewarding, increase the time or distance (not both) of your stay, work in a more distracting place, change your position in relation to your cat or reward the faster or straighter sit. Go ahead and praise your cat for correct responses, but instead of rewarding every response, reward the second, third or fourth response.
● Start by working on the basic behavior in every room of your home. When your cat is reliable in these settings, work with them outside (on a harness and leash, and with few distractions at first). Don't assume that your cat is ready to perform around other animals.
● Don't be discouraged if your cat seems to forget all of their training when they’re in a new location. They may do it perfectly at home, but then stare at you dumbfounded when you try to show off your training skills. Make it a little easier for them at first (go through the shaping steps again).
● When you increase the difficulty of your training (e.g., by adding distractions), you must also increase the value of the reward for a successful performance; choose a better treat than the one you normally use for training.
● Don't ask for too much too soon. If your cat is losing interest in the training session, take a short play break as a reward for an easier task. Then resume your training.